Monday, December 29, 2008
I am so glad it is OVER!
Can you tell Christmas was just a little stressful? I started out the season saying I was not going to get stressed out this year, and get all of my stuff done early. Well, as my earlier post said, I am pretty good at putting things off so I was really stressed. Then we pack up the boys and off to grandma's house we go for Christmas Eve, we all had a great time and everyone was feeling much better. Matt and I got the boys in bed and ourselves in bed by 2am (which was better than last year) then as soon as my head hits the pillow I start to feel really sick. That was all she wrote for me the whole rest of the night. I was able to walk out with the boys that morning and lay on the couch while they looked at their stuff, and then back to the bedroom I went. My poor father in law came over and Matt had to cook him breakfast since I had told him I was going to fix this really nice meal. So I spent my first Christmas night ever by myself while Matt took the boys back to his mom's for their Christmas gathering with his sister. Anyway, I later found out that I infected Matt's Grandpa, Dad, and Cousin with the stomach flu, and I really feel bad about it, but I had no idea I was sick until a few minutes before it happened! Matthew ended up getting it about two days later, and was up all night puking, oh the fun of the holidays! The boys did love their toys that Santa brought them. They got a batman cave and speed racer cars among many other things. I am a little sad that I have no actual pictures of Christmas though, just a video and I am sure that probably didn't come out well. Well, enough of my gripping about Christmas! I am so happy it is a new year I love a good fresh start! I need to go check on my husband that just informed me he is getting sick, I will blog later.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The procrastinator of the year award goes to......
Well, I am famous for waiting to the last minute for everything, including Christmas wrapping and present buying. So it is 9:44am on Christmas Eve, and I still have wrapping to do, batteries to buy, cookies to bake, and a spaghetti bake to make! Why I do this to myself I will never know! It is not like Christmas doesn't fall on the same day every year, so I have no excuse for why I am not prepared and enjoying a relaxing morning with my children. Well, tomorrow it will be all worth it to see the faces on my boys when they walk down the hall way to see what Santa has brought them. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas, and I will post pictures of Christmas morning as soon as I have them. I guess I should stop procrastinating now and go cook my spaghetti bake! Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Only a few days left!!
Christmas is only days away now, although in my boys minds, it is years away! They are certainly ready for a visit from Santa, and quite frankly, so am I ! This time of year they start to get board with their old toys, and they are ready for something new to play with. We don't buy them toys through out the year so their birthday and Christmas are really bit events for them. These last few days before Christmas are always busy for us. We had a Christmas party on Saturday that we went to, and tomorrow is our play group's Christmas party. Also tomorrow night some good friends of ours are coming over to visit. Then Tuesday I will have to do some grocery shopping for stuff to make for Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Wednesday we will have our Christmas Eve party at my Mother-in-laws house. So a little crazy over here, but at least we will pass the time before the big day. Oh, and the big news of the week is that we got a plasma big screen TV! Matt is a very happy man. Well, I need to go wrap something and then off to bed!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Snow Day!
Here are the pictures of the boys playing out in the snow today! I have to admit that I am a little kid when it comes to snow, I just love it! Especially here in Nashville when you don't know if you will have any snow during the winter. The boys were excited when I let them go out and play in the snow after MOP's today. My cookie exchange was still on because most of the childcare workers were still able to come help. I went with my 16 ugly cookies and exchanged them for a lot of really nice cookies:) So the day turned out nice with a good time with my MOPs friends and a really fun snowball fight with my boys. I really wanted to make a snowman but the boys just wanted to throw snowballs. I guess I need to borrow someones daughter if I want to make a snowman:)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It's being to look a lot like Christmas....
We got our first snow today! That is right you heard correctly, Nashville has its first snow on December 11!!! I have lived here in Nashville for five years, and have been coming here for eight, and I never remember it snowing before February. So I am feeling in the Christmas spirit now with the pretty snow outside. The boys did not seem really excited about it though, probably because I wouldn't let them go outside and play in it tonight. The only downside to the snow is that they closed school tomorrow, and that means my MOPs group won't meet for our cookie exchange. I wish I had known that it was going to snow so I wouldn't have made 3 dozen cookies, well only 16 of them were edible, but that is another story:) I guess I am not the baker. Matt says I should get our friend that is a great baker to make my cookies next year and she could be my "ghost baker". Not such a bad idea! Well, I hope the snow is still around in the morning so the boys can go play in it. You never know in Nashville if you will see snow again or not. I will post pictures if we get to go out in it.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Christmas Decorating
I have gotten most of my Christmas decorating done except for the most important part, THE TREE! Matt is working on the rental house this whole weekend, so I have to find a time that he can spend helping us put up the tree. I was going to buy a new tree this year since our current one is quite small, but I have decided against it. My MIL has a nice big tree that she is going to give me after this Christmas because it is too much for her to deal with. So if I can just get over not having a great tree this year, hopefully next year we will have a nice one. I still need to put the lights up outside too, I think I might try to do that tomorrow while the boys nap. It is just so darn cold outside I really dread doing it, and since we were at my parents house for almost two weeks, I missed my opportunity to put up the lights while it was still kind of warm outside.
Here are some pitures of the boys helping my mom put up her tree in VA, they really had a good time with it!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
One more day in VA
We have one more day before we fly home from VA. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. We have had a great time here, we went to the local farm and took pictures with all of their cool holiday decorations, and we went to the Air and Space museum that is in Dulles. The boys really had fun at the Imax movie we saw there, although Matthew fell asleep at the end! Matthew must be the soundest sleeper ever, because the walls were shaking the movie was so loud, and he slept right through it! We also took the boys to see Wall-e at this old theater right across from my old college that I used to go to that is really cheap. I was disappointed in the movie though, I am not much for silent films. The boys had fun though, and that is all that matters.
As for the Christmas shopping, I am almost done with all of my side of the family. Which is good, because I don't want to have to mail things back here (shipping is just so darn expensive). I need to buy my Mom a few things tomorrow and I am done! We also bought the boys some stuff online last night and so there only a few things left that I need to go buy when we get home. Now I just have to wrap everything up before our flight leaves on Tuesday. So far I have wrapped three presents, I think I better get a move on if I want to be done anytime soon. Well, I need to go finish some laundry before I hit the bed (some things never change:) )
As for the Christmas shopping, I am almost done with all of my side of the family. Which is good, because I don't want to have to mail things back here (shipping is just so darn expensive). I need to buy my Mom a few things tomorrow and I am done! We also bought the boys some stuff online last night and so there only a few things left that I need to go buy when we get home. Now I just have to wrap everything up before our flight leaves on Tuesday. So far I have wrapped three presents, I think I better get a move on if I want to be done anytime soon. Well, I need to go finish some laundry before I hit the bed (some things never change:) )
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Well, we made it though the Thanksgiving feast! My mom and I spent all morning cooking it up, and we just finished cleaning up about 30 minutes ago! With the too of us together we can really make a mess in the kitchen! The day went pretty well though, and we took the boys to the miracle of lights after we all too a well deserved nap. They loved seeing the lights, and listing to Christmas music. We also went and got McDonald's milk shakes, so good! So now I need to go hit the hay so I can get up to do some black Friday shopping in the morning. I think I am going to hit Kohl's, Old Navy, Target and Justice, before my 3:00pm hair appt. I hope I can find some good deals!
Monday, November 24, 2008
We're Here!
We finally got to my parents house Saturday night Late. The boys were so tired, but were ready to go when we walked in the door! We haven't done much so far, just hanging out at the house. The girl that lives next door has come over every day to play with the boys though, and they love that! I guess tomorrow I am going to be off to the mall to find the boys a Christmas sweater. I need to take their pictures some where for our Christmas cards. Hopefully I will have some luck tomorrow. Well, I hope to have some pictures soon.
The Charlie Brown Thanksgiving show is getting ready to come on and my mom is about done giving the boys their bath ( having a Mom that is so helpful is really nice) so I will post some more about our trip soon.
The Charlie Brown Thanksgiving show is getting ready to come on and my mom is about done giving the boys their bath ( having a Mom that is so helpful is really nice) so I will post some more about our trip soon.
Friday, November 21, 2008
By the way.....
Brianne, I am not sure if you are reading my blog, but if you are call my parents house this weekend so we can figure out a time to see you! Well, that is if you survive your in laws :)
Getting Ready
We leave tomorrow for NOVA, this week feels like it lasted forever! I am ready to get on that airplane tomorrow. So far I have gotten the boys and I packed about 75 % of the way. Now I just need to finish packing and clean my house. The boys and I are going to go to lunch at Mc Donald's to get some energy out so they will take a nap. Hopefully I can get the floors mopped and the bathrooms cleaned while they are sleeping. My sweet husband decided to call his Dad and invite him over tonight, not sure if you understands we are leaving tomorrow for NINE days! Well, I need to get my boys dressed and loaded in the car. I will post pictures of the boys in VA soon!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Busy Week
This week is going to be a very busy one for us. I am trying to get ready to leave on Saturday for my Northern Va. Meanwhile we are still getting our rental house ready to be rented again. I want to get as much done on the other house on Tuesday and Thursday while the boys are at school. This plan leaves me getting our own house cleaned during the days the boys are home, which is not a small feat! I need to start packing our bags and making lists for who I am going to buy Christmas presents for once I get to VA. I can't believe it is time to start Christmas shopping again! So far I have only bought the boys a few things, and I need to get a move on before there is nothing left! Last year I got all of our Christmas shopping done the day after Thanksgiving, I don't think I can do that this year, but I am hoping to bring an extra empty suitcase to my parents so I can buy some stuff and bring it back. I need to get the boys Christmas pictures done too. I am at the point now where there is just not enough time to do all the things I want and need to do. I hate to feel overwhelmed, but the Holidays, at least at my house, are very busy. Well, I need to get my boys ready for bed and dinner in the oven. Tomorrow, I think I will make a list of all the stuff I need to do before I leave and hopefully that will help.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My Favorite Holiday
Most people have a favorite holiday, my boys love Christmas (as most children do), my husband's favorite is New Years (which I find quite bizarre) and mine of course is Thanksgiving. I am not sure when I made the decision that Thanksgiving was my favorite Holiday, it is just one of those things that happens and you don't even remember when. I do, however, remember why I like it so, and it isn't just the usual, you don't have to buy presents remark. I remember growing up having Thanksgiving at my Nana's house. Nana hated to cook, but she would be busy stirring butter beans and making mashed potatoes. Both of my Aunts would be there, My aunt Nancy would be dressed up and upset about something not being right. My aunt Teresa would be talking to my mom about family stuff and who was doing what. I would be playing in the house with my cousin and best friend Meaghan waiting patiently for our dinner. There was about 20 people in their small house, some of us were young and some old but we were all family. The real fun was the day after Thanksgiving, when my mom, Nancy, and Teresa would get up at 5:30am to go Black Friday shopping! Nancy would always bring everyone a sausage biscuit from Arby's, we would eat and off to the mall we would go. I really love the memories of Thanksgiving with my family, and even though, we have all gone off and had families of our own and don't have that special holiday together anymore I still want to try hard to give the same since of family and tradition that I loved so much to my boys. May we all be thankful for our families this Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 10, 2008
So I don't think it was the flu mist after all (that got Matthew sick), it seems it was all a coincidence. The good part is that Matt and I got a ton done on the rental house and it is probably about 60% done depending on if we decide all the trim needs to be painted or not. The bad part is that Jack, Matthew and myself are all sick now. I woke up this morning with a horrible stuffy nose and headache. The boys both have a bad cough and runny nose. So I am really hoping we can get better by Thursday so at least I will have that day to work on the other house while the boys are at school, I guess we will see.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Flu mist and Rental property woes
I was a firm believer before this week, that the flu shot and the flu mist could NOT get you sick, NOT anymore! I took the boys to the Dr. on Wednesday to get the flu mist and to get myself a flu shot because I had a free day during this crazy busy month. Well, about five hours after getting the shot I started having horrible aches in my legs, I felt horrible. I went to sleep and felt fine this morning so I thought all was well. Then Matthew starts having a runny nose, which they told me could be a side effect of the mist, by the time I get Matthew home from school and he is playing I look at his face and decide he looks a little red. I get the thermometer and he has a 102.3 fever! Mean while we have an empty rental property that needs to be painted, and I am supposed to meet the Nashville gas guy and someone else over their tomorrow at 8:00am. So this is not looking well, but then I think oh I am sure these side effects won't last long and we will still be able to have my MIL watch the boys this weekend. The phone rings. It is my MIL saying she is sick and won't be able to watch the boys until Saturday morning at the earliest! This day has gone from bad to worse in a hurry! So now I really do think Matthew is fine since he says he feels fine and his fever has gone down with the help of Motrin. I just hope we can get some work done on this house or the double mortgage payments will be coming.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
This is going to be a historical election no matter who is elected, and every vote counts! So many people have fought and died for our freedom and Democracy, including my Nephew who is fighting for us right now! So be apart of this election and Go Vote!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Trick or Treat!
The boys had a great Halloween this year. Matthew decided he wanted to be a monkey and Jack wanted to be Spiderman. This was the first year they were not the same thing for Halloween, and of course I was a little sad but this just shows the difference in personality that these two boys have! So they had their Halloween party at school on Thursday, and got to go trick or treating in the school, which they had a blast doing. Then on Halloween, we went to our friend Melinda's house for few minutes so she could see their costumes, and then on to the real deal. They had so much fun ringing doorbells, and and saying trick or treat. It did make me a little sad to think they won't be little much longer, and need us to hold their hands going up the stairs to people's houses. Once we did our whole street we went home and they dug in to their candy immediately! I guess we are going to be on a sugar high for a while now!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Matt's Birthday
Today was Matt's birthday, and we had some of our friends and his Mom and Sister over to celebrate. It really turned out nice, I think everybody including the birthday boy, had a good time. The boys really enjoyed playing with their cousin Sam, and I had fun watching them! This Month is crazy with birthdays, in fact every weekend until the end of the month, we have a birthday party to go to! That is just crazy, I had no idea we had so many birthdays in October. Sam's 2nd birthday is next weekend, and that should be a lot of fun, since they have a lot of land and they are doing a motorcycle theme (the boys are going to love that). Well, the one thing I can say about have a party at your house, is that it really makes you clean! Usually my house is a complete mess after a party, especially one like this that has six boys under 5 years old running around, but this time everything but my bonus room is really clean! So I am happy about that, and the fact that maybe I can do some birthday shopping this week instead of cleaning house on the boys school days. Well, I am off to go spend a few more minutes with the birthday boy before bed.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
First Day of School!
So I am a little late with the first day of school pictures. Actually this Tuesday will be the third day of school. Anyway I couldn't wait to post these pictures because the boys look so cute:)
So far the boys really like going to school. One of their little friends is in their class and that helps a bunch. Matthew actually told me last Thursday, that he had so much fun at school. That really made me feel good, because I now I know that they are having a good time and I am getting some stuff done in the process! Now my only problem is that I have so much stuff I want to get done in my two days that I can't figure out what to do first!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Back from Vacation
We are back from Panama City Beach, just in time to miss the next Hurricane! Luckily we just caught the tail end of Fay and most of our week was full of great weather and no crowds!! I have to say this years vacation was so much better than last year. The boys enjoyed the pool and the beach more. They also did much better at the restaurants and so we took them out with us and the grandmas almost evey night. It was a lot of fun having both of our moms there with us, it took some of the pressure off of me to take care of the boys the whole time, and we just had a lot of fun hanging out together. We had such a great time I can't wait to go back next year!
Friday, August 08, 2008
Mommy Time
So today is the start of the Olympics one of my favorite things to watch on TV ( besides CNN of course). I have said since the boys were born that I wanted one of them to go to the Olympics and when a gold medal and say I did it for you Mom!! So I started thinking about how I have so many hopes and dreams for my boys, but not much in the way of dreams for myself. Everyday revolves around what I am going to do for the boys and there is no time for what I want to do for myself. I guess I have been in the mindset that being this way makes me a better mother a selfless person who gives her all to her family. I had a breakthrough this morning reading a book I got in the mail from MOPs called the Mommy Diaries. I do need time for myself, and I need to have goals and interests outside of family. This does not make a selfish Mom but a Mom that is happy and fulfilled in all areas of life! So if by chance one or both of my boys wins a gold medal in the Olympics I hope they say "I did for myself"!
Sunday, August 03, 2008
It has been awhile!
Wow, I can't believe I haven't blogged since May! Well, we have been busy around here. The boys are working on the potty still, but are coming along :) I guess I have the oldest kids around still in pull ups!!! Anyway, we finally booked our vacation, which I am excited about, we are going to Panama City Beach at the end of the month. This weekend has been nice, we went to the Discovery Center this weekend on a free family pass. Matt and I had a good time seeing the boys so excited over everything. Today we went to the mall, and out to eat. The boys are getting so much better about going out to eat here lately, I really hope it doesn't end while we are on vacation!! Also the boys will be starting school once we get back from FL so I need to get their lunchboxes bought, and their nap mats. I can't believe they are starting school so soon, but I am hoping to get some stuff done around the house those two days, and start my e-bay business up again. There seems to be so much I want to do right now but I am kinda on hold until we get though August. Well, I need to go get my CNN fix before bed!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Visiting VA
We are still visting my Mom and Dad and Northern Virginia, and the boys are having a blast. So far we have been playing outside a lot, gone to my brothers house in Richmond, visited a park that has a train that you can ride around on, and gone to the movies to see Horton sees a Who. Needless to say, the boys are really tired. Today they have been cranky, they just need some sleep I supose. It stays light outside until after 9 O'clock here, back home I thought it was getting dark around 8 or so. So I have had some difficulty getting them to go to sleep at night. Hopefully they will take a good nap today and sleep well tonight, because tomorrow we are going to the National Zoo in DC. I have never been so I am excited too! I will post pictures from the zoo later this week!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mama's Day!!
Happy Mama's day to all of you hard working moms out there! I don't think I really understood the idea of Mother's day until I had my boys. I know better now all the hard work my Mom did for me and my brother all those years and still to this day. Thanks Ma for being the the best mom anyone could ask for! And thank you to my Husband for giving me a very special, restful Mother's day weekend! I hope everyone else had a great Mother's day as well. This Mama is going to go get in bed and get ready for my week ahead!
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Big Boys!
Well, I finally broke down and moved the boys in to big boy beds this last weekend. It went as well as I could have hoped for. I was about in tears though, taking down the cribs. I remember when we put the cribs up in anticipation of our babies. We haven't actually gotten the toddler beds yet, they are on order. Jack informed me that this was not a bed, "it is just a sheet and a pillow!" Their mattresses are on the floor for the time being, their beds should be in next week. In other news, Matthew is getting more interested in the potty, and has used it at least six times in the past few days. This is exciting, but Jack still has little interest. I guess I will focus my attention on Matthew right now and how the sibling competition that Jack certainly feels will come into play soon. Well, I need to go get ready for the day, hopefully I can get some stuff done today.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
High Flyin Fun!
Today my husband, the boys, and I went to the air show that was in a town close to ours. The boys had so much fun! They loved watching the airplanes flying and looking at the ones that were parked around for everyone to see. Matthew did get a tad bit upset the first time he heard the fighter jets but it was nothing a little funnel cake couldn't cure:) If you know Matthew, you know he loves his food! The boys actually got to sit in a little two seater airplane, and we all got to go up in an Army cargo plane. I had a great time too, it was my first trip to an air show, and the Blue Angels were unbelievable. I feel completely worn out tonight though, I am ready for bed!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
New Hair Cut
Well, we finally got the boys' hair cut for the spring. They certainly were glad, poor Matthew his hair falls right in his eyes :( We took this picture this weekend, after our fun filled day. We got their hair cut, then went to have Who cakes at IHOP. They are celebrating Dr. Seuss with some really fun food for the little ones. Then once the boys got up from their nap we went and got Dippin Dots ice cream! The boys have never had that and neither had I. Jack kept saying I like these rocks can I try your rocks:) Well so far this week seems to be going well for us. Everyone is feeling better and the weather has been some what decent. A friend of ours had us over today to play and the boys had a great time playing with all of their friends. Hopefully we will get to the park this week for some outdoor fun. I've gotta run, more laundry is calling me!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Let me start by saying that I am not a protester by nature, in fact I have never been involved in one at all. These stories have changed all of that, and I felt compelled to share them with the people who come upon my blog. I am not asking anyone to join me but to just read and think about this Evil Empire that almost all of us are supporting each month.
The first horrifying story
My Husband came home last night and told me this horrifying thing that had just happened to a co-worker of his. His Co-worker calls on Wal-mart's Corporate office in Bentonsville Arkansas. while he was down there this week, he pulls into the parking lot and sees a two year old child wandering around clutching his blanket. All the child can say is Mama. When he goes inside to see if anyone knows the child or can help he hears this response, "We don't care, you can call the police if you want to but leave us out of it."He proceeds to ask FOUR different Wal-Mart Corp. employees in Multipul buildings in there office complex and gets the same response. So he goes back outside with the child and someone from across the street comes over and says that child has been wondering around Wal-mart Corporates parking lot for 2 hours! So my husband's co-worker proceeds to call the police and the child was taken by DHS. Just think about the amount of people that must have walked by this child all alone in a parking lot and did NOTHING! I know the first response is to say well this is probably just just a few bad people who works inside wal-mart's headquarters, however read story number two and decide if this is characteristic of Wal-Mart as a whole.
Story number 2
A women who is an employee of Walmart is hit by a 18 wheeler and has sever brain damage and has to live in a nursing facility. The family wins a law suit against the trucking company that in the end amounts to $400,000. Wal-Mart sues the woman for $400,000 because they had in fine print that if their insurance paid for something that was later won in a law suit they could come back and collect. So what they did was legal, but was is ethical? The woman is not wealthy, she was using this money to pay for the nursing care. Her son was killed in Iraq shortly after her accident. Wal-mart paid $300,000 in legal fees to win the $400,000 suit! Wal-mart makes BILLIONS of dollars each year and is worried about what amounted to $100,000?! Since this story made the news this week Wal-Mart decided to let the woman keep her money but doesn't this demonstrate to all of us what kind of a company this is?
I say all of this because I could only think, what if this had been my child in story number one and no one would help him? How could a company pride it self on helping the community and then encourage its people to have no compassion? Wal-mart will probably still make billions of dollars of profit this year, but it won't be with any help from me.
The first horrifying story
My Husband came home last night and told me this horrifying thing that had just happened to a co-worker of his. His Co-worker calls on Wal-mart's Corporate office in Bentonsville Arkansas. while he was down there this week, he pulls into the parking lot and sees a two year old child wandering around clutching his blanket. All the child can say is Mama. When he goes inside to see if anyone knows the child or can help he hears this response, "We don't care, you can call the police if you want to but leave us out of it."He proceeds to ask FOUR different Wal-Mart Corp. employees in Multipul buildings in there office complex and gets the same response. So he goes back outside with the child and someone from across the street comes over and says that child has been wondering around Wal-mart Corporates parking lot for 2 hours! So my husband's co-worker proceeds to call the police and the child was taken by DHS. Just think about the amount of people that must have walked by this child all alone in a parking lot and did NOTHING! I know the first response is to say well this is probably just just a few bad people who works inside wal-mart's headquarters, however read story number two and decide if this is characteristic of Wal-Mart as a whole.
Story number 2
A women who is an employee of Walmart is hit by a 18 wheeler and has sever brain damage and has to live in a nursing facility. The family wins a law suit against the trucking company that in the end amounts to $400,000. Wal-Mart sues the woman for $400,000 because they had in fine print that if their insurance paid for something that was later won in a law suit they could come back and collect. So what they did was legal, but was is ethical? The woman is not wealthy, she was using this money to pay for the nursing care. Her son was killed in Iraq shortly after her accident. Wal-mart paid $300,000 in legal fees to win the $400,000 suit! Wal-mart makes BILLIONS of dollars each year and is worried about what amounted to $100,000?! Since this story made the news this week Wal-Mart decided to let the woman keep her money but doesn't this demonstrate to all of us what kind of a company this is?
I say all of this because I could only think, what if this had been my child in story number one and no one would help him? How could a company pride it self on helping the community and then encourage its people to have no compassion? Wal-mart will probably still make billions of dollars of profit this year, but it won't be with any help from me.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Everybody wants to rule the world
Driving the other day I heard that song by Tears for Fears, Everybody Wants to Rule the World. This song took me back to the first few months with the boys, what a crazy time. I am sure everyone knows the first line to that song but in case you don't remember it, it goes "Welcome to your life, there's no turning back". That pretty much sums up how I was feeling during that point in mine and the boys life. I am so happy to say that both the boys and I have come a long way since then. Sure we have our ups and downs, but nothing compared to those days. So anyway, I was really thinking about this because potty training was a bust this weekend, and I was feeling like a failure of a mother and feeling uneasy in this uncharted territory, much like I did in those first months. I am happy to say that my husband talked me off the ledge and really was a great support to me. Also I am just not going to listen to any of the people to have been putting pressure on me to potty train and just let the boys lead the way. I have to say Matthew did pee pee on the potty tonight without pressure from me. I am excited about that but I am not holding my breath. I am hopeful that this next stage in the boys lives will be a learning experience for the three of us that is full of love and patience not pressure and stress.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Super Matthew to the rescue....and The dreaded POTTY!
Well, my super hero Matthew found my KEYS today!!! YEAH!!! I was so happy and Matthew was thrilled that he made Mama so excited. So I know you are wondering where they were, well they were in my oriental bar in the kitchen behind the door that is supposed to hold wine glasses. The absolute ONLY place I did not look! So all is well that ends well, and I am definitely going to get something to hang my keys on this week:)
On to the potty. Well, I just decided last night that I was going to start today with potty training again. I am not really sure why I decided this other than I don't have much going on right now, and they have been showing interest in keeping their Pull-ups dry. So we had no success today, only accidents but I am holding on to the idea that it will just click with them in a few days. At least this time I have the real training pants and they are not leaking quite as bad on my floors. I really hope this is going to work this time. I know the boys are capable of understanding this and it is just a matter of getting used to the idea and taking a break from playing to use the potty. I will post more this next week on our progress. Wish me luck!
On to the potty. Well, I just decided last night that I was going to start today with potty training again. I am not really sure why I decided this other than I don't have much going on right now, and they have been showing interest in keeping their Pull-ups dry. So we had no success today, only accidents but I am holding on to the idea that it will just click with them in a few days. At least this time I have the real training pants and they are not leaking quite as bad on my floors. I really hope this is going to work this time. I know the boys are capable of understanding this and it is just a matter of getting used to the idea and taking a break from playing to use the potty. I will post more this next week on our progress. Wish me luck!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Interagator
What a day!! So I lost my keys today, which is not an uncommon occurrence, but this time I REALLY lost my keys. They are in the house some where but where I don't know. So I look in all the places that I would normally leave them and guess what they are not there! So I take my husbands extra key and drag the boys to Kroger and the dollar store because I am board and because I said I would bring a spinach pie to my MOPs group tomorrow. So I go and what do I do??? I loose my husbands key!! I am about to reach the uncontrollable crying point when I decide to go back to Kroger and the dollar store and retrace my steps. Guess what they are not there! So finally I find them buried in bottom of my stroller. Go home, and start looking for my set of Keys, look for two hours and still can not find them! The boys get up and then the real fun begins. I ask them did you take my keys? First I get the usual no but then I say Mama won't be mad if you tell me where they are. So I get about 25 different locations and none of them hold my precious keys:( I really feel for the Interrogators in Guantanamo Bay because I know what they feel like now. "Sure Mama I know where your keys are" "Where are they?" "I don't know." "But you just said you did." "oh" "Maybe they are in my bicycle, or the window." This went on for about an hour until I gave up. So the moral to the story is my husband is right and I need a place to put my stuff so I don't loose it. I still haven't found the keys yet. Oh and I realized that the lady at Kroger forgot to give me the spinach I bought...I am ready for bed now!
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Easter Aftermath, Allergies, and a Tired Mom

Well, the Easter Bunny was a hit with the boys this year. They loved their baskets and all the goodies inside! We had a great time at Matt's Aunt's house visiting all of our relatives. I have to say the egg hunt was quite cold, it even started snowing on the drive home! I loved the Easter baskets so much I am putting a picture of them on my blog:)
So the boys have had a lingering cough for about two weeks now, and so I decided to take them to the Dr. today and check on it. Turns out that they both have allergies and need claritin every night for a while. I really hate that for them, allergies are so bad to have. I guess living in Nashville you really can't escape allergies though.
Well, this mama is tired, and I need to go think about dinner and put ANOTHER load of clothes in the wash. It seems laundry is all I do these days!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Easter Bunny :)

So I finally got the boys Easter Bunny picture scanned in to the computer tonight! It came out better than I ever thought, especially since we didn't even sit on Santa's lap for fear of two screaming boys!! As you can see, they really like the Easter Bunny. I have got their baskets all finished, and ready for them in the morning. Matt has been laughing at me all day because I had to buy special cellophane wrapping bags for their Easter baskets. You know when you have certain memories of holidays as a child you want to recreate them for your own kids. Well, obviously mine was a cellophane wrapped basket:) I was so proud though, because I found one with a green bow (Jack's favorite color) and one with a blue bow (Matthew's favorite color). We have got Easter all day tomorrow at Matt's aunts house, and of course every one is bringing eggs to hunt and some goody bags. By the way, I am really getting into to this goody bag thing, I worked on the Easter goody bags all afternoon. They looked so good though, I can't wait for the kids to see them tomorrow. Well, this bunny better get to bed before all of our stuff tomorrow. Happy Easter!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Go Patriots!!!
I am so excited that my Alma Mater, George Mason University has made it to the NCAA playoffs! They are playing tonight against #5 Notre Dame. Go Patriots!!!!!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Hunting Eggs and a New Hair style

Here are some pictures from our playgroups Easter egg hunt this week. The boys were all into getting eggs! At first Jack wanted to eat the candy as he went along, but he soon got the hang of it. The day was so beautiful too, 75 degrees, and it is early March too!! We have pictures with the Easter bunny next week, and then of course Easter next Sunday. I will be sure to post pictures from all of that too.
This morning I went to get my hair cut, and cut off about 6 inches or so give or take a little! I am so excited to have that hair off my back:) I haven't had this short of hair since I was in high school, and my husband has never seen it this short! I think he might have been a little caught off guard by it at first. My next thing will be to go back blonde. I will definitely be doing that in May before my cousins wedding. Come to think of it I need to loose a few pounds before then too:)
Well we are off to the boys cousins 1st birthday tomorrow, busy week ahead. I will post more pictures when I can.
Monday, March 10, 2008
This has to be one of the worst Mondays I have had in a long time. Matthew woke up this morning and fell to the ground unable to walk. Yes, he could not walk. So he was crying and limping around, and I tried to feel on his leg to see if it was hurt. I call the Dr. and had to bring him in late in the morning, but by the time we got there he was walking again with just a slight limp, and I still have no idea what caused him to limp!
Then Jack has been awful all day. He didn't get much sleep last night, and I think they might be ready to give up their naps. Matt got home late, when I thought for some crazy reason that he would be home early. So my head hurts, and I feel like just crying. I think I am going to go to sleep and see if tomorrow will bring a better day!
Then Jack has been awful all day. He didn't get much sleep last night, and I think they might be ready to give up their naps. Matt got home late, when I thought for some crazy reason that he would be home early. So my head hurts, and I feel like just crying. I think I am going to go to sleep and see if tomorrow will bring a better day!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Blizzard of 2008!!!

So we had a first real snow of this year, a whole 3 inches!! Which by the way in Nashville is a HUGE snow. The boys had so much fun playing in it today. They had their first sledding experience, snowball fight, and they made snow angels! We tried to make a snowman, but the snow was so dry it wouldn't stick together :( I guess this will probably be our last snow of the season too. I am now officially ready for spring!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Boys!!!
Well, this is a little late (the boys birthday was last Friday) but I wanted to post a picture of them on their birthday. Matthew and Jack are three years old now, I can hardly belive it. They had a great time at their party. All their little friends came, and I think they all enjoyed it as well. My mom came down for it and that was really nice, I always get a good break when she comes down. Well, I am really tired tonight so this is going to be a short post. !
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Little law breakers!

The boys and I met some friends today at a mall that is going to be closing soon, but has a great play area. I took this picture of the boys playing on the stage and the sign that says "Do not stand on stage". It was too funny! This picture pretty much descibes their attitude the past two weeks, "Whatever you tell me to do, I will do the exact opposite!" I shouldn't complain to much because at the moment I am typing and they are playing very well with each other, and this is not the norm around here.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Good Start, Bad Ending.
Well, today started off really well. I took to boys to see some of our friends at the mall and they got to play and have fun. Apperently this was not enough to get them to nap well, because they woke up very early. Well, now this is where the fun begins. Both the boys threw their spagetti in the floor. Then I told them to go up stairs and play while I cleaned it up. This is where they proceded to take every book off the shelf and throw it in the floor. Then I brought them back down stairs for a bath, and wouldn't you know while I was getting things setup, the boys took soap and squirted it all over each other. At this point I am really ready for them to go to bed and it is only 6:30!! I am really hoping this weekend is going to be better, I am not sure how much more of this I can take. I think I am in some serious need of a break. Hawaii anyone?
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
So it has been two years......
Well, It has been two years since I have last blogged. Needless to say I have been busy! The boys have changed so much, they are getting ready to be 3 years old next month, I can hardly believe it. I have pretty much planned their birthday party, which is going to be a Thomas the train theme. The only thing left to do is buy a cake. Last year I had to fight for about 30 minutes with the publix bakery woman and I really hope to avoid that this year. I am also hoping to potty train the boys next month while my mom is here. I know this is going to be a big thing for them, and I really think I will need help so I don't go off the deep end. Here is a updated picture of the boys. I hope that I don't wait another two years before I blog again!!
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