Saturday, March 29, 2008

Super Matthew to the rescue....and The dreaded POTTY!

Well, my super hero Matthew found my KEYS today!!! YEAH!!! I was so happy and Matthew was thrilled that he made Mama so excited. So I know you are wondering where they were, well they were in my oriental bar in the kitchen behind the door that is supposed to hold wine glasses. The absolute ONLY place I did not look! So all is well that ends well, and I am definitely going to get something to hang my keys on this week:)

On to the potty. Well, I just decided last night that I was going to start today with potty training again. I am not really sure why I decided this other than I don't have much going on right now, and they have been showing interest in keeping their Pull-ups dry. So we had no success today, only accidents but I am holding on to the idea that it will just click with them in a few days. At least this time I have the real training pants and they are not leaking quite as bad on my floors. I really hope this is going to work this time. I know the boys are capable of understanding this and it is just a matter of getting used to the idea and taking a break from playing to use the potty. I will post more this next week on our progress. Wish me luck!

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