Well, my super hero Matthew found my KEYS today!!! YEAH!!! I was so happy and Matthew was thrilled that he made Mama so excited. So I know you are wondering where they were, well they were in my oriental bar in the kitchen behind the door that is supposed to hold wine glasses. The absolute ONLY place I did not look! So all is well that ends well, and I am definitely going to get something to hang my keys on this week:)
On to the potty. Well, I just decided last night that I was going to start today with potty training again. I am not really sure why I decided this other than I don't have much going on right now, and they have been showing interest in keeping their Pull-ups dry. So we had no success today, only accidents but I am holding on to the idea that it will just click with them in a few days. At least this time I have the real training pants and they are not leaking quite as bad on my floors. I really hope this is going to work this time. I know the boys are capable of understanding this and it is just a matter of getting used to the idea and taking a break from playing to use the potty. I will post more this next week on our progress. Wish me luck!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Interagator
What a day!! So I lost my keys today, which is not an uncommon occurrence, but this time I REALLY lost my keys. They are in the house some where but where I don't know. So I look in all the places that I would normally leave them and guess what they are not there! So I take my husbands extra key and drag the boys to Kroger and the dollar store because I am board and because I said I would bring a spinach pie to my MOPs group tomorrow. So I go and what do I do??? I loose my husbands key!! I am about to reach the uncontrollable crying point when I decide to go back to Kroger and the dollar store and retrace my steps. Guess what they are not there! So finally I find them buried in bottom of my stroller. Go home, and start looking for my set of Keys, look for two hours and still can not find them! The boys get up and then the real fun begins. I ask them did you take my keys? First I get the usual no but then I say Mama won't be mad if you tell me where they are. So I get about 25 different locations and none of them hold my precious keys:( I really feel for the Interrogators in Guantanamo Bay because I know what they feel like now. "Sure Mama I know where your keys are" "Where are they?" "I don't know." "But you just said you did." "oh" "Maybe they are in my bicycle, or the window." This went on for about an hour until I gave up. So the moral to the story is my husband is right and I need a place to put my stuff so I don't loose it. I still haven't found the keys yet. Oh and I realized that the lady at Kroger forgot to give me the spinach I bought...I am ready for bed now!
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Easter Aftermath, Allergies, and a Tired Mom

Well, the Easter Bunny was a hit with the boys this year. They loved their baskets and all the goodies inside! We had a great time at Matt's Aunt's house visiting all of our relatives. I have to say the egg hunt was quite cold, it even started snowing on the drive home! I loved the Easter baskets so much I am putting a picture of them on my blog:)
So the boys have had a lingering cough for about two weeks now, and so I decided to take them to the Dr. today and check on it. Turns out that they both have allergies and need claritin every night for a while. I really hate that for them, allergies are so bad to have. I guess living in Nashville you really can't escape allergies though.
Well, this mama is tired, and I need to go think about dinner and put ANOTHER load of clothes in the wash. It seems laundry is all I do these days!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Easter Bunny :)

So I finally got the boys Easter Bunny picture scanned in to the computer tonight! It came out better than I ever thought, especially since we didn't even sit on Santa's lap for fear of two screaming boys!! As you can see, they really like the Easter Bunny. I have got their baskets all finished, and ready for them in the morning. Matt has been laughing at me all day because I had to buy special cellophane wrapping bags for their Easter baskets. You know when you have certain memories of holidays as a child you want to recreate them for your own kids. Well, obviously mine was a cellophane wrapped basket:) I was so proud though, because I found one with a green bow (Jack's favorite color) and one with a blue bow (Matthew's favorite color). We have got Easter all day tomorrow at Matt's aunts house, and of course every one is bringing eggs to hunt and some goody bags. By the way, I am really getting into to this goody bag thing, I worked on the Easter goody bags all afternoon. They looked so good though, I can't wait for the kids to see them tomorrow. Well, this bunny better get to bed before all of our stuff tomorrow. Happy Easter!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Go Patriots!!!
I am so excited that my Alma Mater, George Mason University has made it to the NCAA playoffs! They are playing tonight against #5 Notre Dame. Go Patriots!!!!!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Hunting Eggs and a New Hair style

Here are some pictures from our playgroups Easter egg hunt this week. The boys were all into getting eggs! At first Jack wanted to eat the candy as he went along, but he soon got the hang of it. The day was so beautiful too, 75 degrees, and it is early March too!! We have pictures with the Easter bunny next week, and then of course Easter next Sunday. I will be sure to post pictures from all of that too.
This morning I went to get my hair cut, and cut off about 6 inches or so give or take a little! I am so excited to have that hair off my back:) I haven't had this short of hair since I was in high school, and my husband has never seen it this short! I think he might have been a little caught off guard by it at first. My next thing will be to go back blonde. I will definitely be doing that in May before my cousins wedding. Come to think of it I need to loose a few pounds before then too:)
Well we are off to the boys cousins 1st birthday tomorrow, busy week ahead. I will post more pictures when I can.
Monday, March 10, 2008
This has to be one of the worst Mondays I have had in a long time. Matthew woke up this morning and fell to the ground unable to walk. Yes, he could not walk. So he was crying and limping around, and I tried to feel on his leg to see if it was hurt. I call the Dr. and had to bring him in late in the morning, but by the time we got there he was walking again with just a slight limp, and I still have no idea what caused him to limp!
Then Jack has been awful all day. He didn't get much sleep last night, and I think they might be ready to give up their naps. Matt got home late, when I thought for some crazy reason that he would be home early. So my head hurts, and I feel like just crying. I think I am going to go to sleep and see if tomorrow will bring a better day!
Then Jack has been awful all day. He didn't get much sleep last night, and I think they might be ready to give up their naps. Matt got home late, when I thought for some crazy reason that he would be home early. So my head hurts, and I feel like just crying. I think I am going to go to sleep and see if tomorrow will bring a better day!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Blizzard of 2008!!!

So we had a first real snow of this year, a whole 3 inches!! Which by the way in Nashville is a HUGE snow. The boys had so much fun playing in it today. They had their first sledding experience, snowball fight, and they made snow angels! We tried to make a snowman, but the snow was so dry it wouldn't stick together :( I guess this will probably be our last snow of the season too. I am now officially ready for spring!
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