Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The procrastinator of the year award goes to......

Well, I am famous for waiting to the last minute for everything, including Christmas wrapping and present buying. So it is 9:44am on Christmas Eve, and I still have wrapping to do, batteries to buy, cookies to bake, and a spaghetti bake to make! Why I do this to myself I will never know! It is not like Christmas doesn't fall on the same day every year, so I have no excuse for why I am not prepared and enjoying a relaxing morning with my children. Well, tomorrow it will be all worth it to see the faces on my boys when they walk down the hall way to see what Santa has brought them. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas, and I will post pictures of Christmas morning as soon as I have them. I guess I should stop procrastinating now and go cook my spaghetti bake! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

TeriAnnElizabeth said...

I tagged you for a meme..I know you are thrilled. It's at my blog...the 8things about me or you...

Love you,